Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dylan going down the tower

We had a cool experience the other day! When we got to our picnic spot with some of our friends, there was a guy there with ropes and stuff, helping people rapel, rappel, rapell? down this old tower. The boys got to do it and they loved it.


J K L M N O P said...

Hi! Couldn't have planned it any better for those boys!! Bet they're still pretty excited about it! We're in Salem for Gospel Meeting a few weeks ago - nice to see your folks, never did get to speak to them! Did finally get to wave at your dad across the room! He looks really good - hope he feels as good. I was almost ready to comment and let you know I'd been missing you - so I was thrilled to see new pictures!! Take care!! J K L M N O P

alleykat said...

Nice photos, I remember we went rappelling once in the Bay area with Dave and Johnnie when I was in High
school. It was great; I felt like a big spider bouncing down the side of a wall.